ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Moishezon manifold

Ok kiddo, imagine you have a special kind of toy that has a lot of different parts, each shaped differently. They all fit together perfectly to make the toy look really cool and fun to play with. Now imagine that instead of a toy, we have a space with lots of different parts, each with a different shape.

Just like how the parts of the toy all fit together perfectly, these different parts of the space fit together perfectly too. But it's not just any space, it's a special kind of space called a Moishezon manifold.

A Moishezon manifold is a space made up of lots of different parts that all fit together perfectly. But there's something extra special about this space - it has a lot of different shapes and it's really hard to describe in just a few words. Mathematicians love studying these spaces and figuring out all the different ways they can fit together.

So in short, a Moishezon manifold is like a really cool toy that's made up of lots of different shapes that fit perfectly together to make a really interesting and unique space.