ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Molecular Informatics

Okay kiddo, have you ever heard of molecules? They are tiny particles that make up everything around us, like the air we breathe or the food we eat. Now, scientists want to use computers to study and understand these molecules better, so they can make new medicines or materials. That's called molecular informatics!

Just like how you might use a computer to look up information about something, scientists can use computers to study the behavior and structure of molecules. They can create simulations and models on the computer to see how different molecules interact with each other, or to design new materials with specific properties.

It's kind of like playing with blocks! You can use your imagination to build different structures and see how they fit together. But instead of blocks, scientists are using molecules and computers to do this.

So, that's basically what molecular informatics is all about - using computers to study and manipulate molecules to make new discoveries and inventions. Pretty cool, huh?