ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Molecular models of DNA

Okay kiddo, have you ever heard of DNA before? It's like a recipe for how to make you. DNA is made up of tiny building blocks called nucleotides. They link together to form two long strands that twist around each other like a ladder.

Now, we can't see DNA with just our eyes since it's super tiny, but scientists have come up with a way to create models of DNA. They use special materials like plastic or foam to represent the nucleotides and show us how they fit together.

These models help us understand how DNA works and how it carries information from our parents to us that makes us unique. Like if you have blue eyes or curly hair, that's because of the information in your DNA.

So, you see, these molecular models of DNA are like toys that scientists use to learn more about how DNA works and how it helps make you who you are. Pretty cool, huh?