ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Molten Sea

Okay kiddo, have you ever seen a big swimming pool full of hot liquid that you can't swim in because it's too hot? Well, that's kind of what a molten sea is. But instead of a pool, we're talking about a big metal container that's filled with super hot liquid, kind of like lava from a volcano.

Now, this molten sea is very important because it's used to create metal things like swords, shields, and cups. First, people put metal scraps or chunks into the molten sea which melts them down to become liquid too. Then, the molten mixture is poured into molds to make the metal shapes they want.

But this isn't just any ordinary pool of liquid, kiddo. The molten sea can be so hot that it can melt metal and burn things, which is why it has to be handled very carefully. It's also really bright and shiny, like a big fancy mirror.

So, all in all, the molten sea is a really hot, liquid metal that is used to make cool metal things. But you have to be careful around it because it's really hot and can burn things.
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