ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Monarchy of Canada

Okay kiddo, let's talk about the Monarchy of Canada. So, you know how we have a Prime Minister who is in charge of running our country? Well, we also have a Queen who is the head of our country, but she lives in England. Her name is Queen Elizabeth.

Now, your next question might be, "Why does Canada have a Queen if she doesn't even live here?" Well, that's because a long time ago, Canada was owned and ruled by England. Even though we're not owned by them anymore, we still have a special relationship with them, and the Queen is a symbol of that relationship.

The Queen doesn't actually make any decisions about what we do in Canada. Instead, she has a representative here called the Governor General. The Governor General is chosen by the Prime Minister and is kind of like a messenger between Canada and the Queen. They make sure that everything is running smoothly and that Canada is following the rules that the Queen and England set for us a long time ago.

So, to sum it up: Canada has a Queen, but she doesn't actually rule our country. She's a symbol of our relationship with England, and we have a person called the Governor General who helps make sure everything is going okay.