ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Monarchy of China

Okay kiddo, have you ever heard of kings and queens? They are people who have a lot of power and are in charge of a whole country. Well, in China a long time ago, instead of a king or queen, they had something called an emperor or empress. Think of it like being the king or queen of China.

The monarch in China was the person who had power over the whole country. They made decisions about things like laws, taxes, and even what people could wear. The emperor or empress had a lot of people who worked for them to help run the country. They were called officials, and they had different jobs like making sure people were following the rules, collecting taxes, and building things like roads and bridges.

One thing that was really different about the Chinese monarchy is that they believed in something called the “Mandate of Heaven.” That meant that the emperor or empress got their power from the gods, and as long as they ruled fairly and took care of their people, they would keep their power. But if they didn’t do a good job, then they could lose their power and someone else would become the new emperor or empress.

So, to sum it up, the monarchy of China was when one person, called the emperor or empress, ruled over the whole country and made decisions about everything. They had a lot of people who helped them and they got their power from the gods, as long as they did a good job taking care of their people.