ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Monarchy of Grenada

Okay, imagine you have a group of friends that play together all the time. Usually, you all agree on what games to play and who gets to be the leader.

Now, imagine that instead of taking turns being the leader, there's only one person who gets to be in charge all the time - let's call them the King or Queen. They wear fancy clothes, live in a big castle, and make all the important decisions for the group.

Well, Grenada used to have a monarchy like this! But instead of a group of friends, it was a whole country. The King or Queen of Grenada was the one who made important decisions for the country, like making laws and deciding how to spend the country's money.

However, nowadays, Grenada is a democratic country. That means that everyone gets a say in what happens and leaders are chosen by the people. So, there's no longer a King or Queen making all the decisions.