ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Monarchy of Jamaica

A monarchy is like a game of pretend where one person gets to be the king or queen and make some important decisions for their kingdom. Jamaica used to have a queen named Queen Elizabeth II from a country called England who was also the queen of a lot of other countries like Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. But she was not really involved in making decisions for Jamaica.

Now, Jamaica is an independent country which means they make their own decisions and have their own government led by a prime minister. But they still have a monarchy which is now represented by a person called the Governor-General who is chosen by the Queen but is a Jamaican citizen. The Governor-General does not make any important decisions but mostly represents the royal family in Jamaica and helps with some ceremonial duties.

So, even though Jamaica is its own country with its own government, it still has a monarchy with ties to the royal family of England.