ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Monastery of Saint Anthony

Okay kiddo, so a monastery is a really big and special building where a group of people, called monks, live together and spend their time praying to God and doing good things for others. The Monastery of Saint Anthony is a very old and important monastery located in Egypt.

Long, long ago, there was a man named Saint Anthony who decided to live a simple and good life by praying to God and helping people in need. Lots of people saw how good he was and decided to follow in his footsteps, living a life of prayer and helping others too. These people became known as monks and they started living together in a special place, which later became the Monastery of Saint Anthony.

The monastery is a really big place with a large church, many rooms for the monks to sleep and work, and even a big library filled with very old books. The monks who live here spend their time praying, reading, and helping others who come to visit the monastery. They even grow their own food and take care of animals like cows and chickens.

Even though the Monastery of Saint Anthony is very old, it is still a very important place for many people today. People come from all over the world to visit and see how the monks live. The monastery is also known for having some very special relics, or objects that are believed to have belonged to Saint Anthony himself.

So, that's a little bit about the Monastery of Saint Anthony, a really big and special place where monks live together, pray, and do good things for others.