ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Monohydrocalcite is like a special kind of rock that is made up of a few different things. It has a mineral called calcite in it, which is what makes it shiny and pretty. But it also has some water and another mineral called calcium carbonate.

When these things all come together, they create monohydrocalcite. It's not as hard as some other rocks, so it can be easily scratched with a fingernail or a penny.

Sometimes, monohydrocalcite is found in caves or other places where water has been dripping for a long time. The water slowly builds up and, over time, the monohydrocalcite forms.

Scientists like to study monohydrocalcite because it can tell them a lot about the history of a place. They can look at the layers in the rock and see how long it took to form, and sometimes they can even find tiny fossils inside that tell them about the creatures that used to live in the area.

So monohydrocalcite may look like just another rock, but it's actually a pretty cool and important one!