ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Monster a Go-Go

Okay, so imagine you're watching a movie. This movie is called "Monster A Go-Go." It's about a monster that kind of looks like a big, scary guy with a weird face.

The story starts off with some people going to space. They see something strange and try to investigate it. But they never come back down to Earth.

Later, people start seeing the monster on Earth. They're really scared because the monster is really big and could hurt them. But the weird thing is, the monster doesn't seem to be doing anything. It's just kind of walking around.

Some other people try to find out what's going on. They talk to scientists and try to figure out where the monster came from. They find out that it's actually one of the people who went to space! But something happened to him and he turned into a monster.

So, the people who are trying to figure out what's going on try to stop the monster. But he's really strong and it's hard to do. Finally, they figure out a way to turn him back into a regular person.

In the end, everything is okay again. The monster is gone and people can live their lives without being scared anymore. But they'll always remember the big, scary monster that they had to fight.

So, that's "Monster A Go-Go" in a nutshell. It's a movie about a monster from space that turns into a big, scary guy on Earth. But don't worry, everything turns out okay in the end.