ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Monuments, Fine Arts, and Archives program

Okay, so you know how when you go on a road trip and you stop to visit cool things like big statues, old buildings, and museums? Those things are called monuments, fine arts, and archives.

The people who work in the monuments, fine arts, and archives programs are like treasure hunters. They look for important things from the past that tell us about history, culture, and the people who lived before us. They protect those things so that they can continue to teach us and inspire us.

Monuments are like giant statues or important buildings that people built a long time ago. Some monuments are famous like the Statue of Liberty, the Eiffel Tower, or the Great Wall of China.

Fine arts are things like paintings, sculptures, and photographs that were made by really talented artists. Fine arts can tell us a lot about the person who created it, the time period in which it was created, and the place where it was made.

Finally, archives are like giant libraries full of important documents, letters, and pictures. Archives keep all of the important things that people have made and written throughout history so that people can learn from them.

So, the monuments, fine arts, and archives programs are all about finding and preserving important things from the past so that we can learn from them and pass them on to future generations.