ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Moratorium to End the War in Vietnam

Okay kiddo, so you know how sometimes people disagree with each other and it can lead to fighting or even war? Well, a long time ago, in the 1960s and 1970s, the United States of America and a country called Vietnam had a big disagreement and it turned into a very long and very sad war. Lots of people were hurt and killed on both sides.

After a while, some people in the US started to think the war should end. They wanted peace. One way they thought they could do this was by something they called a "moratorium." This was basically a big protest where lots of people would stop what they were doing and come together to send a message to the government that they wanted the war to end.

The first big moratorium was in October 1969. Lots of people all over the country stopped working or going to school and instead, they went to rallies or marches to protest the war. They wanted the government to listen to them and stop the fighting.

There were many more moratoriums after that, but they didn't actually end the war. It took a few more years and a lot more fighting before the war finally ended. But the people who protested through the moratoriums helped make their voices heard and showed that many Americans were against the war.