ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Muhammad Ahmad

Muhammad Ahmad was a man who lived a long time ago in a place called Sudan. He was like a leader for a group of people who followed a religion called Islam. Muhammad Ahmad believed he was a special person chosen by God to lead his people. He told his followers that he was like a messenger from God and that they should follow his teachings.

Muhammad Ahmad's followers became known as the Mahdists. They believed that Muhammad Ahmad was the Mahdi, a special person who was going to bring peace and justice to their land. They thought that he was going to lead them in a war against the people who ruled their land, called the British.

Muhammad Ahmad led his followers in a rebellion against the British. They fought many battles with the British, and sometimes they won and sometimes they lost. However, in the end, the British were too powerful for the Mahdists to defeat. Muhammad Ahmad died in battle against the British, but his followers continued to fight for many years after his death.

Today, Muhammad Ahmad is remembered as a heroic figure in Sudanese history. Many people see him as a symbol of resistance against foreign rule and as a man who stood up for what he believed in.