ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Multi-layer CCD

Imagine a big camera that takes pictures. This camera has a special thing inside called a CCD which stands for Charge-Coupled Device. The CCD is kind of like a tiny little city made out of a bunch of tiny little buckets that can hold electrons. When light comes into the camera and hits the CCD, the light turns into electrons and they go into the buckets.

Now, imagine that instead of just one layer of buckets, there are lots and lots of layers stacked on top of each other. Each layer can collect different colors of light - like red, green, and blue. When all the layers work together, they can make really good pictures with lots of detail and colors that look more like what we see with our eyes.

So, a multi-layer CCD is like a really tall tower of tiny buckets that can hold electrons. Each layer of buckets collects different colors of light and when you put them all together, you get a really good picture.