ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Multi-parametric surface plasmon resonance

Imagine you are playing with your friends and you want to know who among your friends have the most toys. You can either ask every friend one by one or you can use a machine that will show you how many toys each of your friends have at the same time. That machine is called multi-parametric surface plasmon resonance.

Now let's break it down into simpler terms.

Surface plasmon resonance means we are looking at how light interacts with a special flat surface that has a thin layer of metal on it. When light hits this metal layer, it causes the electrons in the metal to move and create a sort of wave that we can measure. This wave is called a surface plasmon.

Multi-parametric means we can use this technique to measure multiple things at once. So instead of just looking at how much toys each of your friends have, we can also measure how much money they have, how old they are, and what their favorite color is all at the same time.

So, multi-parametric surface plasmon resonance is a special machine that looks at how light interacts with a metal-coated surface to detect multiple things at the same time. It is useful in many scientific applications, such as testing for diseases, identifying chemicals, and analyzing biological samples.