ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Multiangle light scattering

Multiangle light scattering is like when you shine a flashlight on a disco ball and the light bounces off in many different directions. Scientists use special things called lasers to shine light on tiny particles like proteins and viruses. When the light hits these particles, it bounces off in many different directions just like the disco ball.

Scientists measure how the light scatters at different angles to learn about the size, shape, and properties of the particles they are studying. By analyzing the pattern of scattered light, they can figure out things like how big the particle is and how it interacts with other particles. This helps them understand more about how cells work and how different diseases might be treated.

Think of it like shining a flashlight on your little brother's Lego creation. By looking at how the light reflects off the different shapes and sizes of Lego pieces, you can understand how they fit together and make something cool!