Imagine you have a big bag of candies and you want to divide them into smaller bags, but you want each smaller bag to have the same amount of candies. This can be difficult if you just use your hands and try to guess how much you're putting in each bag.
A multihead weigher is like a super smart machine that helps you divide things into equal portions. Instead of using just one scoop or tool, the multihead weigher has lots of tiny scoops that work together to make sure each bag gets the same amount of candy.
Here's how it works: You pour all the candies into the multihead weigher's hopper (an opening at the top). The machine uses sensors to measure how heavy the candies are and calculates how many should be in each bag. Then, the multihead weigher's little scoops or buckets start filling up and emptying one by one, until each of them has the exact same amount of candy in it.
The buckets then tip and pour the candy into the bags waiting underneath them. This way, every bag has the same amount of candy, even though the candies are piled up at the top of the machine.
Multihead weighers are really helpful for making bags of snacks, like potato chips or nuts, or for packaging small items like screws or buttons. They're much faster and more accurate than trying to divide everything by hand, and they can help make sure everyone gets the same amount of treats.