ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Multilateral Agreement on Investment

Imagine you and your friends want to share toys and play together. You decide that everyone must agree to some rules before you start. This way, everyone knows what is expected and can have fun in a safe and fair environment.

Now imagine that grown-ups from different countries want to do something similar but with money instead of toys. This is called an investment. They also agree to some rules, so that they can invest in each other's countries without any problems. This agreement is called the Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI).

The MAI is a big agreement that lots of countries sign up to. It says that countries cannot discriminate against each other when it comes to investment. For example, a country cannot give its own companies special treatment over foreign companies. Everyone has to be treated equally.

The MAI also includes rules to protect investments. This means that if someone invests in a company in another country, the company cannot be taken away without a fair process. The investor must also be compensated if their investment is taken away.

However, not everyone likes the MAI. Some people think it gives too much power to investors and not enough protection for the environment and workers' rights. These people believe that countries should be able to decide for themselves what is best for their citizens.

In the end, the MAI was never fully agreed upon and did not come into effect.