ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Multiobjective blockmodeling

Okay, so imagine you have a bunch of blocks that you want to put together in specific ways. But the blocks are different colors and shapes and you can't just put any block next to another. That's where multiobjective blockmodeling comes in.

Multiobjective blockmodeling helps you figure out how to group the blocks together in a way that makes the most sense. Imagine you have to group blocks that are red, blue, and green. You might want to group all the red ones together, all the blue ones together, and all the green ones together. But what if you also want to group them by shape? That's where multiobjective blockmodeling comes in.

It helps you figure out how to group the blocks in the best way possible, according to multiple criteria or "objectives" like color and shape. To do this, it uses math and algorithms to optimize or find the best solution for grouping the blocks.

So, in summary, multiobjective blockmodeling is like trying to group blocks together, but considering multiple factors at the same time, and using math and algorithms to do it in the best way possible.