ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Multiple gamma function

Okay kiddo, let me explain the multiple gamma function to you. Do you know what a factorial is? It's just a really long multiplication that goes like this: if we have a number n, then n! = n x (n-1) x (n-2) x ... x 1.

Well, the gamma function is kind of like a helper for factorials, because it can take decimal numbers or negative numbers and help us figure out what their factorials would be.

But sometimes, we need to do a lot of factorials all at once, like if we have a big complicated equation. That's where the multiple gamma function comes in. It's like doing a bunch of gamma functions all at once, with different inputs.

Let me give you an example. Say we need to do the equation (2x-1)! / ((x+1)! (x-2)!). That's a lot of factorials! But with the multiple gamma function, we can simplify it like this:

Γ(2x) / (Γ(x+2) Γ(x-1))

See how we only need to do three gamma functions now? That's a lot easier than doing all those factorials.

So basically, the multiple gamma function just helps us simplify really complicated equations with lots of factorials. Pretty cool, huh?