ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay little one, let me explain muraqabah to you in a simple way.

Muraqabah is when you pay really close attention to something. It's like when you're watching butterflies in the garden and you want to see every detail of their beautiful wings.

But muraqabah is not just for looking at pretty things, it's also for paying attention to things that are important to us. Like when you're learning something new in school and you want to remember it really well, you can do muraqabah to help you focus and remember.

Sometimes people do muraqabah to feel closer to God. They might close their eyes and focus on their breath or repeat a special word or phrase. This helps them feel calm and peaceful and helps them connect with God.

So you see, muraqabah is really just about paying attention and being mindful of what's important to us. It can help us learn, feel calm, and connect to something greater than ourselves.
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