ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Murmansk Finns

Murmansk finns are a group of people who live in the northern part of Russia, in a city called Murmansk. They are a special kind of Finnish people who have been living in this area for a very long time, even before the city of Murmansk was founded. They speak a special language called Meänkieli, which is a mix of Finnish and Swedish.

These people have a very unique culture and way of life. They have many different traditions that they follow, like fishing in the river or hunting in the forest. They also have their own music and dances that they enjoy. In the winter, when there is a lot of snow, they have fun by skiing and sledding.

The Murmansk finns have faced many challenges over the years, including discrimination and attempts to suppress their language and culture. But they have remained strong and resilient, and have worked hard to keep their traditions alive. Today, they are recognized as a distinct ethnic group with their own rights and freedoms.