ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Murray's Hypocycloidal Engine

Okay kiddo, imagine you have a toy car with wheels that can turn in a circle. Now imagine a circle inside that circle and another smaller circle inside that. These are called "circles within circles" or "hypocycloids."

Now, let's go bigger! Imagine a big circle for the outside of the engine and a smaller circle on the inside. The smaller circle moves around inside the bigger one. This is called a "hypocycloidal path."

Inside the engine, there are two pistons that move back and forth. They move in a funny way that helps the engine work better. When one piston is going in, the other one is going out.

The engine gets its power from gas and air exploding inside it. This movement helps the car or machine it's in move.

So basically, Murray's Hypocycloidal Engine uses circles inside of circles to make pistons move in a way that creates energy to make things go. Isn't that neat!