ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Museo della ndrangheta

So, imagine you have a group of people who always do bad things together. They're like a club of bad guys, but they're not nice to people. This group is called the 'Ndrangheta, and they come from a place in Italy called Calabria.

Now, imagine they have a special secret place where they keep all their things and where they talk about their plans. It's like a secret clubhouse. But this place got discovered by the police, and they closed it down. However, the police now turned that place into a museum to show everybody how bad the 'Ndrangheta is.

In this museum, you can see things that belong to the 'Ndrangheta and learn about their history. You can also see how they used to talk to each other, how they planned their bad deeds and how they had secret meetings. It is like a way to understand how they work and how to stop them from doing more bad things.

However, it's not like a fun museum with happy mascots or games. The 'Ndrangheta is a serious and real danger, and this museum is there to show people how serious it is. But it is important to learn about them so you can stay safe and help the police to stop them.