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Music of Cyprus

Hey kiddo, do you know what music is? It's those sounds we hear that make us want to dance or sing along! Cyprus is a small island country in the Mediterranean sea and it has its own unique music too.

People in Cyprus love to sing and dance to different types of music. They have traditional songs and dances that have been passed down from generation to generation. One of the most popular dances is called the "sirtaki," which is often done at weddings and other special occasions.

Cyprus music has been influenced by many different cultures over the years, including Greek, Turkish, and Arab music. This is because Cyprus was ruled by different empires and countries throughout its history.

One of the most famous musical instruments in Cyprus is the "tzouras," which looks a bit like a small guitar. It's used to play traditional Cypriot music, along with other instruments like the violin and the lute.

One popular Cypriot song is "Omorfi Poli," which means "Beautiful City." This song talks about how beautiful Cyprus is and how much the singer loves it. Another popular song is "Tilirkiotissa," which is a traditional song about the Virgin Mary.

Overall, music is very important to the people of Cyprus, and they love to sing, dance, and celebrate life through their music.