ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Musical repertoire

If you like playing with toys, think of songs as toys too. A musical repertoire is like a big toy box full of all kinds of songs you can play with. Just like there are different types of toys like cars, dolls, and blocks, there are different types of songs like rock, jazz, and classical.

Musicians have many different types of toys (songs) they like to play with, and keep them in their musical repertoire so they can play them whenever they want. Just like you might have a favorite toy that you play with all the time, musicians have favorite songs that they love to play over and over again.

Sometimes musicians add new toys (songs) to their box (repository) as they learn how to play them. Playing different songs is important for musicians because it helps them learn new things, get better at playing their instruments, and keeps them from getting bored.

Overall, a musical repertoire is like a special box of toys that musicians use to create beautiful music for everyone to enjoy!