ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act 1986

So, you know how when you play with your toys with your friends, sometimes you might want to stop playing and do something else, right? Well, grown-ups also have something similar called "marriage", which is when two people decide to live together and be a family.

Sometimes, though, if things don't go well between the two people, they might decide that they don't want to be married anymore. This is called "divorce". And just like when you have to share your toys with your friends, when grown-ups get divorced, they have to share all the things they have together.

Now, in some families or cultures, the grown-up boy might have more power than the grown-up girl, and this can make it very difficult for the girl to get a fair share when they get divorced. This is not good, because just like you want to be treated fairly and have everyone play nicely with you and your toys, grown-up girls also deserve to be treated fairly and have their rights protected, especially when they are getting divorced.

In 1986, the government of India made a special law called the "Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act" to make sure that Muslim women (which is a religion that some grown-ups follow, just like some people are Christian, or Hindu, or Buddhist) also get the same protection and fair treatment as everyone else when they get divorced.

This law says that if a Muslim woman gets divorced, she has the right to get a fair share of all the things she and her ex-husband (which means the man she used to be married to) had together. It also says that the man has to pay some money to the woman to help her take care of herself and any children they might have had together.

So, basically, the "Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act" is a law that helps make sure that Muslim women in India get treated fairly and have their rights protected when they get divorced. It's like a rule book that grown-ups have to follow so that Muslim women can have the same rights and fair treatment as everyone else.