ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone)

Okay, kiddo, you know how we need food to get big and strong, right? Well, some tiny things inside our bodies called cells also need food to do their jobs. One of the most important jobs of a cell is to create energy so we can do things like run, play, and even breathe!

NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) is like a superhero that helps to make energy inside our cells. It works with other tiny machines called enzymes to break down food into smaller pieces called electrons. These electrons are then passed along a special pathway and eventually make their way to another molecule called oxygen.

But the superhero can't do this all by itself! It needs a special partner called ubiquinone to help it along the way. Ubiquinone is like a sidekick that picks up the electrons and flies them into the superhero. Together, they do something really cool called oxidative phosphorylation which creates energy from those electrons.

So, in short, NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) helps turn food into energy by working with other tiny machines called enzymes and a special partner called ubiquinone. And that energy is what helps us do all the fun things we love to do!