ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

NAND logic

Okay kiddo, let me explain what NAND logic means. NAND is short for NOT-AND, which is a type of logic gate used in digital circuits. Imagine a gate like a door that lets things in or out, only in this case, the things are electrical signals.

In NAND logic, we take two electrical inputs, let's call them A and B. If both A and B are TRUE (meaning they have electrical signals running through them), the output will be FALSE (meaning no electrical signal comes out). But, if either A or B (or both) is FALSE, the output will be TRUE.

Think of it like playing with blocks. If you have two red blocks and you stack them on top of each other, they make one big block. BUT, if one of those blocks is blue instead of red, the stack becomes something else entirely. It’s the same with NAND logic - if we have two TRUE inputs, they cancel each other out and make a FALSE output. But if we have one or two FALSE inputs, we get one big TRUE output.

Overall, nand logic is a way for electronic devices to make decisions based on whether certain inputs are TRUE or FALSE, and it all depends on two signals coming in and deciding what will be the output based on what they each are.