ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

NCERT controversy

Okay, so there was this book called the NCERT (National Council of Educational Research and Training) book, which was used by lots of students in India to learn things at school. But some people started saying that the book had wrong information and was teaching kids things that were not okay. They said that the book was not telling the whole truth about some things in history, religion, and politics.

Some people thought that the book was being influenced by the government or a particular political party, and they didn't like that. They said that the book had to be changed or banned. But other people said that the book was fine, and there was no need to change it. They said that the book was based on facts and was helping kids to learn things properly.

So, there was a big controversy or a disagreement between these two groups of people. Some people wanted to change or ban the book, and some wanted it to stay the way it was. It was like a big argument between parents about what's best for their child.

Finally, the government decided to make some changes to the book and remove the parts that were causing the controversy. They said that the book had to be neutral and not take sides in any political or religious matters. The government wanted the book to be fair and unbiased for all the students.

And that's why there was a controversy about the NCERT book, but it was resolved in the end by making some changes to the book to make it better for everyone.