ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, imagine a really long stick like a broomstick or even longer, and at the end of the stick there is a sort of a big knife or a sword attached. That is what we call an "nagamaki".

Nagamaki is a traditional Japanese weapon and it was used by warrior samurais a long time ago. It consists of a long wooden stick that is about as tall as a grown-up person and a long curved blade that resembles a big knife or a sword.

Now, why is it called a "nagamaki"? That's because "naga" means "long" and "maki" means "wrap". That's because the handle of the blade is wrapped tightly around the long stick.

The samurais used nagamaki for fighting and it was very effective in battles because it had a lot of range and power. They could use it to strike really hard and from far away. Plus, it was really useful for blocking incoming attacks from enemies.

So, that's what nagamaki is! It's a long stick with a blade attached to the end that was used by samurais a long time ago to fight in battles.
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