ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Alright, so Nahusha is a character from ancient Indian mythology. He was a king who did something very bad and was punished for it. You know how when you do something bad, your parents might give you a timeout or take away your favorite toy? Well, Nahusha's punishment was a little bit more extreme.

You see, Nahusha was very proud of himself and thought he was better than everyone else. He even called himself a god! And that's not a very nice thing to do. So, to teach him a lesson, the other gods decided to turn him into a snake.

Now, being a snake might sound cool at first (who doesn't love snakes?), but Nahusha didn't like it very much. He couldn't move around like he used to and he had to slither on the ground. Plus, he couldn't talk to anyone anymore.

Luckily, after a while, Nahusha learned his lesson and realized that he was just like everyone else. He asked the gods to turn him back into a human and they did. So, the lesson here is that we should always be humble and not think we're better than others, or we might end up like Nahusha!