A nanosubmarine is a very small submarine that is so tiny, it can only be seen with a very powerful microscope. It is made up of tiny particles called nanoparticles which are put together to create the shape of a submarine.
Just like a real submarine, a nanosubmarine can move around in a liquid, like water or blood. When it is placed in a liquid, it can move forward and backward, just like a real submarine can move through the water.
Scientists use nanosubmarines to explore things that are too small to be seen with the naked eye. For example, they can use nanosubmarines to explore inside the human body, to see how cells and organs work.
The nanosubmarine is controlled from the outside, using special tools that scientists can use to control its movement. This way, they can guide it to move to where they want it to go, and explore different parts of the body.
This technology is still new and scientists are still figuring out how to use it, but it has the potential to be very helpful in understanding how our bodies work, and how to treat diseases.