ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Narcotic Farms Act of 1929

In 1929, the United States government passed a law called the Narcotic Farms Act. This law said that people who were addicted to drugs like heroin and cocaine would be sent to special places called "narcotic farms" to get help. These farms were a bit like hospitals, but they were also kind of like prisons because the people who went there couldn't leave until they were better.

At these narcotic farms, the people who were addicted to drugs would get medical treatment and counseling to help them stop using drugs. They would also have to do chores like gardening and cleaning to keep the farms running.

The Narcotic Farms Act was important because it was one of the first laws in the United States that tried to help people with drug addictions instead of just punishing them. However, some people argue that it wasn't always successful because some of the people who went to the narcotic farms ended up going back to using drugs once they were released.