ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Narrative criticism

Narrative criticism is a way to understand stories by examining the way they are told. Imagine you are reading a picture book or listening to a bedtime story. A narrative critic would look at how the story is put together so they could understand what the story means and how it is trying to make you feel.

For example, let’s say you were reading a book about a cat named Whiskers who goes on an adventure to find his missing toy. A narrative critic might ask questions like: how does the author describe Whiskers’ journey? Is it exciting or scary? What kind of language does the author use to make you feel that way? How does Whiskers change or grow throughout the story? What do the other characters in the story teach you about Whiskers or about life?

By looking at all of these different elements of the story, a narrative critic can understand what the story is trying to say, how it’s trying to say it, and what impact it might have on the reader. Narrative criticism can help us appreciate storytelling as an art form and help us understand why certain stories resonate with us more than others.