ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Narrow gauge railways in Germany

Okay kiddo, so a railway is like a really long road made of metal that trains can run on. In Germany, they have different types of railways, and one type is called a narrow gauge railway.

Basically, a narrow gauge railway means that the tracks are closer together than on a regular railway. It's like having a smaller road for smaller cars. These trains tend to be smaller too, so they can fit on the narrower tracks.

Narrow gauge railways are often built in areas where there are mountains or hills or where the land is difficult to travel on. Sometimes they're used to transport goods like timber or coal. Other times they're used to take tourists to see beautiful scenery or historic sites.

In Germany, there are lots of narrow gauge railways all over the country. They're especially popular in places like the Harz mountains, where the landscapes are really stunning. Some of these railways have been around for over a hundred years!

Even though they're smaller than regular trains, narrow gauge trains can still be really fun to ride on. They chug along at a steady pace, and you can usually see some amazing views out the windows. Plus, they're kind of cute!