ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Nassim Nicholas Taleb is a very smart man who thinks a lot about how the world works. He talks about something called "black swans," which are things that are really unexpected and can have a big impact on our lives. It's like when you find out that unicorns are real - that's a black swan because it's so surprising and changes what you thought you knew about the world.

Taleb also talks about how we can't predict what will happen in the future, even if we try really hard. This is because there are too many things that can happen that we can't see or understand. It's like when you try to guess what your sister will do next, but she surprises you and does something totally different.

Taleb thinks it's important to be ready for these unexpected things, so he suggests that we be "antifragile." This means that we don't just want to be strong or tough, but we want to be able to actually grow and get better when things get tough. It's like how a plant needs a little bit of stress to grow stronger - we should be like that too.

Overall, Taleb is a really smart guy who helps us understand that unexpected things can happen and that we should be ready for them by being antifragile.
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