ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

National Association of Science Writers

The National Association of Science Writers (NASW) is like a big club for people who write about science. Science is all about learning and discovering new things, like how our world works and why things happen the way they do.

Scientists do a great job of finding out new things, but they often use big and complicated words that are hard for normal people to understand. That's where science writers come in! They take what the scientists have discovered, and help explain it in a way that regular people can understand.

So, the NASW is a group of people who write about science, and they work together to help people understand the latest scientific research. They have conferences and meetings where they talk about different topics related to science writing. They also have resources like guides and tools that help their members to write better about science.

By being part of the NASW, science writers get to learn from each other and become better at their jobs. They also get to be part of a big community of people who all love writing about science!