ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

National Diamond

A national diamond is like a special set of tools that a country can use to become more successful. Just like a diamond is very strong and valuable, these tools help a country to become strong and valuable too.

The national diamond has four sides – like a diamond has four sides- that are all very important. These sides are:

1. Factor conditions: This means the resources a country has, like land, labor, natural resources (like gold or oil), and infrastructure (like buildings, roads, and bridges). The stronger a country's resources are, the better it can compete with other countries.

2. Demand conditions: This means the needs and wants of the people who buy things in a country. The stronger these needs are, the better a country can sell its products and services to its own people, and to people in other countries.

3. Related and supporting industries: This means the other companies and services that help a country's economy to grow. For example, if a country has many car companies, it will also need lots of gas stations, mechanics, and other businesses that support the car industry.

4. Firm strategy, structure, and rivalry: This means how a country's businesses are organized and compete with each other. If businesses work together and compete fairly, they can help each other grow and make the whole country stronger.

So, just like a diamond is made up of four sides that work together to make it valuable, a national diamond is made up of four sides that help a country to be strong, competitive, and valuable too!