ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

National Equality March

Okay, imagine you and your friends are playing at the park. When you all play, do some of you get to do different things or get to have different treats than others? That's not very equal, right?

Well, sometimes in our country, people don't get to have the same things or opportunities as others just because of who they are. They might have different skin colors, different religions, or love different people. That's not fair, because everyone deserves to be treated the same, no matter what.

So, people who want to make things more equal and fair have decided to have a big march, where lots of people walk together and stand up for what they believe in. It's called the National Equality March. They want to tell everyone that everyone should be treated equally, no matter what. It's kind of like when you and your friends stand up for each other if someone isn't playing nicely. Only this march is for grown-ups who want everyone to play nicely and be kind to each other.