ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

National Falange

National Falange is a type of political group that was established in Spain in the early 1930s. It was founded by a man named José Antonio Primo de Rivera, who was very sad and concerned about the political and social problems that were happening in Spain at the time.

To make things better, he formed this group, whose members believed that a strong and united Spain could only be achieved by having a single, powerful government that controlled everything, including the economy and the national resources. They also thought that all citizens should work together, regardless of their social status or religion, to build a better country.

The National Falange had a lot of followers who shared the same beliefs, and they supported their leaders by attending rallies, wearing uniforms, and marching in formation. They even had their own special handshake!

However, their ideology was controversial, and many people disagreed with their way of thinking, which led to a lot of disagreements and conflicts. The group was eventually dissolved, and its members either joined other political organizations or abandoned politics altogether.

In a nutshell, National Falange was a political group that believed in the power of strong government and unity to make their country better, but their ideas were not fully embraced by the public, and the group eventually faded away.