ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

National Geographic Society – Palomar Observatory Sky Survey

National Geographic Society is a group of people who love exploring and learning new things about our planet and space. They are especially interested in the sky and stars that fill it. So, they came up with a project called the Palomar Observatory Sky Survey, which is a way to take pictures of the sky that helps us learn more about what's up there.

To do this, the National Geographic Society built a big telescope called the Palomar Observatory. This telescope is like a giant camera that can take really clear pictures of the sky. It's so big that it's like looking through a magnifying glass to see things that are really far away.

The Palomar Observatory Sky Survey helps us learn more about the sky because it takes pictures of things that are too far away for us to see with just our eyes. These pictures are like a big puzzle that astronomers (people who study space) can put together to learn more about our universe.

Astronomers use these pictures to make maps of the sky and discover new stars and galaxies. They can also learn about how stars are born, how they die, and even how the universe is expanding.

In short, the National Geographic Society's Palomar Observatory Sky Survey is a way for us to learn more about the amazing things that exist in our sky using a special telescope that takes really clear pictures.