ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

National Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam

Okay kiddo, so let's say there was a big fight going on between two people, and one of them was getting really hurt. Now, a group of people came together and decided they wanted to help stop the fight and make sure nobody got hurt anymore. That group of people is like the National Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam.

But, instead of just two people fighting, it was a whole bunch of people fighting in a country called Vietnam. The National Mobilization Committee wanted the fighting to stop so nobody else would get hurt. They talked to a lot of people and tried to convince them to help stop the fighting too.

They also did things like organizing big protests where a lot of people would show up and say they wanted the fighting to end. The National Mobilization Committee really believed that if enough people said they wanted peace, the people in charge would listen and do something about it.