ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

National Museum of Tequila

The National Museum of Tequila is a special place where you can learn all about tequila – that yummy drink that some grown-ups like to enjoy. It's a big building that has lots of rooms with interesting things inside.

Tequila is made from a special plant called the agave, which grows in Mexico. The people who make tequila use the heart of the agave, called the piña, to make the drink. They cook and crush the piña to create a sweet juice, which is then fermented and distilled to become tequila.

At the National Museum of Tequila, you can learn all about the history of tequila and how it's made. You'll see exhibits with pictures and videos that explain all the steps of the process. You'll also get to smell and taste tequila (don't worry, as a 5-year-old, you won't actually get to drink any alcohol).

In the museum, you can explore different rooms that show how tequila is made, like the agave fields where the plants grow and the distillery where the tequila is made. There are also displays of different types of tequila bottles and labels, which are really interesting to look at.

At the end of your visit, you can even buy your own bottle of tequila from the museum's gift shop to take home and share with your grown-up friends and family!