ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

National Museum of the Azulejo

So, there's a really special place called the National Museum of the Azulejo. It's in Portugal, which is a country far away.

Now, "azulejo" might sound like a funny word, but it's just a fancy name for really cool tiles. These tiles are special because they are painted with really pretty designs and pictures.

The National Museum of the Azulejo has a lot of these tiles. In fact, it has one of the biggest collections of these tiles in the whole world! You can go and see all the different tiles and look at the pictures and designs painted on them.

It's not just the tiles themselves that are cool, though. The museum is actually in an old monastery, which means it used to be a place where monks lived a long, long time ago. So while you're looking at the pretty tiles, you can also see what the old monastery looked like and how the monks lived.

It's like taking a step back in time and seeing things from a long time ago. But don't worry, even though it's really old and special, you can still go and see it and learn all about it!