ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

National Question (Quebec)

Okay, imagine you have a big group of friends and you all love playing together. But sometimes, some of your friends might feel a little different and want to do things their own way. That's kind of like what happens in a place called Quebec in Canada.

Quebec is a province in Canada where a lot of people speak French and have their own unique culture. They have their own traditions, food, and even their own way of speaking. They are very proud of their French heritage and want to protect it.

Now, the rest of Canada, where most people speak English, also wants to protect their own culture and identity. They want to make sure Canada stays as one country with one big group of friends.

So sometimes, there is a debate called the national question, where people talk about whether Quebec should be its own separate country or if it should stay as part of Canada. Some people in Quebec believe that their unique French-speaking identity is so important that they should be their own country, like France. They think this would give them more control over their own laws and policies.

But other people in Quebec and the rest of Canada think it's better to stay united as one country. They believe that by staying together, they can work together to make Canada a stronger and more diverse place.

This national question has been going on for a long time, and people have different opinions on what should happen. It's an important topic because it affects the future of Quebec and the whole country.

In the end, it's like a big puzzle that the people of Canada and Quebec have to figure out. They have to listen to each other's opinions, discuss, and find a solution that works best for everyone. So, it's okay if some friends in Quebec want to do things their own way, but it's also important to think about what's best for everyone in Canada.