ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Native American music

Native American music is music created by Native Americans, who are the indigenous people of North America. The music is made using traditional instruments, like drums or flutes, and often includes singing, chanting, and dancing.

Native American music is very special because it is deeply connected to their culture, history, and beliefs. The music is used in different rituals, ceremonies, and celebrations, and often tells stories and legends that have been passed down from generation to generation.

The instruments used in Native American music are often made out of things found in nature, like animal hides, wood, or bone. The drums are usually big and round, and are played with beaters or hands. The flute is long and slender, usually made from wood or bamboo, and creates a soft and calming sound. Many Native American songs also include rattles, bells, or shakers, which make a tinkling or jingling sound.

Native American music has a very strong rhythm and beat, usually in a repeated pattern. The songs often start slow and quiet, and then build up to a powerful and energetic rhythm. The singing is usually done in group, and the lyrics are often in their native language.

Overall, Native American music is a beautiful and meaningful expression of their culture and traditions, and allows us to learn and appreciate their history and way of life.
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