ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Natural resources of the Arctic

The Arctic is a place where it is very cold and snowy. It is home to lots of different animals like polar bears, whales, and seals. It also has some natural resources that people find very valuable.

One important resource in the Arctic is oil. Oil is a liquid that we use to make gasoline for our cars and trucks. It also helps us make things like plastics and medicines. There are many oil reserves under the Arctic Ocean, and some companies want to drill for it. However, this can be dangerous for the environment and animals that live in the Arctic.

Another resource that people are interested in is natural gas. Natural gas is a gas that we use for heating and cooking. It is found in rocks deep under the ground, and some of those rocks are located in the Arctic.

The Arctic also has many minerals like iron, copper, and gold. These minerals can be found in the ground and can be mined to make things like jewelry or electronics.

Fish and seafood are important resources in the Arctic as well. Many of the fish, like salmon and cod, are caught and sold around the world. The ocean in the Arctic also has lots of shrimp, crab, and other seafood that people like to eat.

Finally, the Arctic is home to forests that provide lumber for building things like houses and furniture. The trees in the Arctic are special because they can grow in very cold weather.

Overall, the Arctic has many valuable natural resources that people use every day. However, we need to be careful to protect the environment and animals that live there while we use these resources.