ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Nav (Slavic folklore)

Nav is a scary creature that kids in Slavic countries are warned about. It's kind of like a big, scary monster that lives in the forest and tries to catch you if you wander too far away from home.

The Nav is said to be really big and covered in fur. It has long, sharp teeth and claws like a bear. Some people say it has horns or a tail, too.

According to the stories, the Nav likes to sneak up on unsuspecting children and snatch them up in its giant claws. Once it has a hold of you, it carries you off to its lair and eats you for dinner.

So, to avoid being caught by the Nav, kids are told to stay close to home and not wander too far into the woods. It's also a good idea to travel in groups and make lots of noise so the Nav knows you're coming and can't sneak up on you.

So, basically, Nav is a big, scary monster that teaches kids to be careful when they're playing outside.